Monday, May 9, 2011


One of the prominent features of Rwanda’s development since the 1994 Genocide of the tutsi has been its ongoing fight against corruption. A battle that has produced rewarding results , as can be seen from a survey conducted by transparency international in 2010 , showing Rwanda to be the least corrupt country in East Africa by a considerable margin.

It’s incidents of bribery are so low with a prevalence of 6% compared to neighbouring countries such as Uganda and Burundi who range in the high 30’s. This impressive fact can perhaps be attributed to the nationwide anticorruption campaign and the reporting of cases of corruption from citizens.

Rwanda’s zero tolerance for corruption is a piece of evidence that can be illustrated with the recent incidence of corruption in Kanombe, kicukiro district of Kigali, where Lillian Maombi had been apprehended and caught in a malevolent act of bribery.

The spokesperson of the Rwanda National Police, Mr Badege, was there to give out his word by saying that incident should serve as an example to all individuals from the average citizens to those occupying high positions in government institutions that corruption should be avoided and prevented.

Its heavy a crime , its a bad principle, it’s a way of hindering the progress and development that we are undertaking and also a blemish to the judicial system in our country. He goes on to say on reference to Maombil Lillian ,a qualified judge but regrettably alleged as a culprit in this act of treachery.

In this nationwide sensitisation of anticorruption we wish to suppress the idea that power lies in those who are able carry out these activities of bribery and deceit. True power lies in abiding by the law. We should use this unfortunate occurrence as an example that there is no one above the law , be it those who facilitate in establishing it, such as judges. Most importantly , we should not be afraid to notify or report to the authorities in case of any malevolent activities like these. Those were the words of Mr Badedge during a press interview after the taking into custody of Mrs Lillian Maombi.

Rwanda has demonstrated outstanding dedication when it has come to fighting against corruption. It is a principle that we should continue to embrace in order to sustain our development as well as our responsibility as citizens to protect and preserve the rules that govern us.

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