Sunday, April 10, 2011


Rwanda is one of the youngest countries in the world , with more than half of the population being under 18 years old. This amazing statistical fact I believe carries implications that could serve as a powerful asset towards the development of the nation. Even though we are a third world country, still subjected to issues such as AIDS and poverty, even though we have encountered and gone through one the worst atrocities in the history of mankind , there is still a powerful hope that is inherent  in our a country. A hope .that resides in our youth . We constitute most of what is Rwanda . And despite being the leaders of tommorow , we still represent the present. A present that is today , a present that is now.

Yesterday was when I truly experienced the profoundity of how the youth can impact the nation. "The walk to remember" ,was an extraordinary display for the comememoration of the Genocide against the tutsi. An event that was not only spearheaded by the youth but also majorly constituted by it. Thousands of participants marched in this powerful movement , that was held with the theme of  "upholding the truth and preserving our dignity". A goal in which in order to be attained ,I firmly believe  requires a key involvement of the youth. In  undertaking the enormous responsibility that is rebuilding Rwanda , we must do it based on a firm foundation of truth with proper recognition of the past that will consequently bring clarity into the future. A truth that will not only liberate us, but guide us to the right path in rebuilding our nation..

Preserving our dignity on the most part , might involve preserving the legacy that defines who we are as Rwandese. This powerful truth and pride that is our dignity transcends the barriers of the present as it is a legacy that will be passed on to us. A legacy that that will be carried onto the future by none other than the youth. We must acknowledge this great responsibility and with what i witnessed yesterday , during the walk, we, the youth have taken yet again an important step towards this goal.

I firmly believe we can influence the nation in a major way ! Not only because we have the power in numbers as the facts suggest , but also because in order to embark on the path of rebuilding , the first step of starting afresh ,coming from the ground up or building on a new  stronger foundation , is a fundamental principle of development. We, the youth are the gate way to this new first step , we not only carry ideas of old that are crucial to development , but we also possess those of our own. We have that extra step , that all in all combined  give us the right tools towards establishing a positive sound future .

As the youth we have the great power to use preventive measures as a powerful weapon against the day to day issues that we battle with. Poverty , sickness, education  are all problems that can be tackled on the early onset . Being part of the youth may imply having the high chance of combating this issues when it is still early and using preventive measures as opposed to resolving to the cure. The key to this is being educated from the ground up and applying those principles learned in order to tackle those major concerns such as prevention against the HIV epidemic or poverty in the long run through  provision of education to many more kids.

We are the pivot towards Rwanda's development goal, its fate rests purely in our hands. We must therefore concede to this responsibility and  begin employing the means necessary to reach the goal of enriching our nation and living in prosperity  for the future starts now.

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